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In addition to being affordable, Dandi is also flexible and truly understands our needs.
Lakuan Terry Smith
Manager of Inclusion
Serving over 500,000 employees around the world
Frequently asked questions
Can I build Dandi myself?
Most organizations find that they simply don't have the internal resources to build something like Dandi. Moreover, purchasing Dandi is often faster and more cost effective than building with an in-house analytics team.
What is Dandi's billing schedule?
Dandi contracts are billed annually and paid upfront. Fees for additional data processing requests are billed on a monthly basis.
What can I expect from a Dandi customer success manager?
Support from a customer success manager is included with Dandi Plus and Premium plans. Your success manager will help onboarding and goal-setting, run quarterly business reviews, and be available to support your company’s DEI initiatives as they take shape.
What is included in my onboarding fees?
Standard onboarding fees cover API integrations, data collection and remediation, initial account setup, SSO login setup, and more.
What is the duration of a Dandi contract?
Dandi contracts last for one year. We are also happy to build longer-term contracts if desired.